Roland Mair kommt zur 1. Prämierungsveranstaltung nach Augsburg

Veröffentlicht am 22.03.2012 in Allgemein
Die Sieger des Businessplan Wettbewerb Schwaben stehen fest

Was die Gründerlandschaft in Bayerisch-Schwaben so alles zu bieten hat konnte gestern in den Räumlichkeiten der HypoVereinsbank Augsburg bestaunt werden. Die 6 besten Gründer und Start-Ups der Region waren zur Prämierung des Businessplan Wettberwerb von evobis eingeladen, doch nur 3 Unternehmen konnten gewinnen.

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As challenging as it is for us new lrnaariibs (I hate to admit I maaaaay have been born the year Roy began in libraries, ahem), our older colleagues need us! They need to see our enthusiasm, new ideas, and relatively unjaded view of the profession. If not only to bring back memories of themselves when they first began their careers, but also to re-light the fire under them that was once there. Young lrnaariibs come in with new ideas, an ability to be flexible, and usually are pretty good at going with the flow'. It may take some of our older and more seasoned counterparts to get used to this, and that is OK. Once the opportunities arise we can continue to work on them, and try to get them to see things from our POV. Eventually they will soften up and hopefully allow for some new ways of doing things. If this happens, I think we are making progress. We just have to keep working at it, or as our red headed Santa put it, we just have to put one foot in front of the other!

Autor: Faith, Datum: 17.05.2012, 07:14 Uhr




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